InBáze, z.s. was established in 2005 as a community center. The purpose of InBáze is to help immigrants and their families to integrate in the Czech Republic. We create a safe open space for Czech public and migrants to meet, collaborate and enhance their mutual understanding of each other. InBáze was primarily established as a civic initiative of Czechs and migrants which was operating on a volunteering basis, and even nowadays volunteers play a major role in helping InBáze to run its activities. InBáze provides a wide range of activities – social, legal, psychological and career counselling for migrants; programs for families and children (weekly clubs for children, one day activities, summer camps), community center activities for migrants and general public (club for women, club for seniors, ethnic cuisine workshops, storytelling etc.), educational activities for schools, Czech language courses, annual festival RefuFest. InBáze has its own social enterprise Ethnocatering, which is based on the concept of social entrepreneurship and co-finances the organizational activity.