
20 Mar 2023

Aga: I help people make their dreams come true. Dreams about apartment, dreams about their houses. I help them design all the projects from the very beginning util the end of renovation and I guide them through the whole process. I give them contacts for renovation companies, plumbers, carpenters, everything is on me. So they save time, they save money and they save inner peace.

For whom is my product relevant? Who is my customer?

Aga: My customers are usually between 25-45 and for example, first group is people who buy their first flat and need help. The other group is people who want to move from their flat to a house because they already have babies and need more space. And they need, you know, help. They don't have time. Maybe they work a lot and just need help with the whole process of renovation.

What's unique about my product?

Aga: I think the uniqueness is that I'm there for them, I educate them, I advise them and I'm there to meet their needs. I'm, picking up the phone. I'm with them through the whole process.

Can you sum up? How did you find the project, what did you like about it and what did you gain from it?

Aga: I think the idea of the project is very, very good for someone who's starting his own business, and I really found all the practises attractive and helpful. I really liked coming here on Saturday and talk with people, do all those exercises for, like I said today, marketing, social media and the ways how, you can promote yourself without a budget, financing ideas... There was one Saturday when the lawyer was here and she was helping us write the business plan. It was really helpful as well.